
目前顯示的是 9月, 2017的文章

If one sincerely learns from the Buddha and cultivates well, then one's prayers will definitely be answered

If onesincerely learns from the Buddha and cultivates well, then one's prayers willdefinitely be answered On February 15, 2015, my daughter, Yong-Hong Huang and I attended the Maitreya Bodhisattva Dharma Assembly held at  Hua Zang Si . During the intermission, we met with Master. At that time, Master gave me and my daughter each a black Ka Zuo An De pill. At home the following day after my morning dharma practice, I took out the Ka Zuo An De pill from my jacket preparing to take it. Much to my surprise, I found an additional orange Da Ba Bu Qiong pill which seemed slightly bigger than the Ka Zuo An De pill. Also, its taste was stronger. At that time I was amazed and happy about it. I immediately paid my respect to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for their empowerment.              After what had happened, I reported this to Master. Master said, "This is your good fortune." However, I wondered why I would have such great fortune. I have never made any significant

The Story of My Rebirth

I wholeheartedly prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.      In 2014, I was diagnosed with stage 2 spleen cancer and had the surgery performed at the University of Taiwan Hospital. In June the same year, I started chemotherapy. Sister Qinyi Zhou came to visit me in September that year and brought me a copy of the book  The Buddha Speaks on Curing the Hemorrhoids Sutra .  I chanted the sutra continuously for one month and I noticed the dark brown nails on my hands - the side effect of chemotherapy - had started to fade. It was unbelievable!   During that time, sister Zhou and Buddhist brother Sangdun Chuba Rinpoche frequently visited me and even helped me to begin to set up an altar and purchased all the necessary items to offer to the Buddhas. I also invited Buddhist brother Jijia Cuoren Rinpoche and many other Buddhist brothers and sisters to come to my house for the purification ceremony and beseeching blessings .  I then  set up my dharma-listening center.  I requested rec

佛教成就圣德 佛教界为赵玉胜居士举办盛大告别法会

【美洲华联社洛杉矶讯】来自国内外数十个佛教寺庙和机构的法师、仁波切、出家人和居士们近200人于9月2日上午聚集在玫瑰岗阿罕布拉的大礼堂,为学习如来佛法成就佛教圣德的赵玉胜居士举行盛大的告别法会。七众佛弟子共同恭诵《佛说阿弥陀经》,功德回向赵玉胜居士,法会非常庄严、隆重。 专程从中国大陆经由台湾来到洛杉矶参加赵玉胜居士举行告别仪式法会的国际佛教僧尼总会总住持释証达法师表示,赵玉胜居士曾是一位陈姓先生的弟子,因为没有跟这位陈先生学到佛法,错了很多因果,生了重病,而且是越来越重,痛苦万分。他是6月27日来到美国的,因此学习到真正的佛法如来正法。 释証达法师 释証达法师介绍说,6月27日当天赵玉胜居士有幸获得世界佛教最高领袖H.H.第三世多杰羌佛为他传授顶圣大法,请来阿弥陀佛现三十二相,身发万丈毫光,亲自为他摸顶授记,并告知他会派观音菩萨来接他去西方极乐世界(赵玉胜将此经历事实写成文字,早已公布在网上)。8月24日赵玉胜示现圆寂,出现了赵玉胜居士随观音菩萨往升极乐世界的圣境。 法会现场 释証达法师表示,出现这样的结果,应该是我们所有佛学弟子最欢喜的一件事情。赵玉胜居士在不到2个月的时间能够真正学到如来正法,成就佛教圣德,值得高兴。她希望佛弟子、众生都能学习如来正法,真正按照南无第三世多杰羌佛、释迦摩尼佛的教导修行,去恶从善。 若慧法师 华藏寺住持释若慧法师介绍说,赵玉胜居士圆寂的当天,晴空万里,烈日炎炎。大家站在树下,就看到甘露如同雪花一样飘然而下,滴在脸上、滴在身上是清凉无比。大家非常高兴。同时为赵居士感到欣慰,因为是赵玉胜居士自从跟随南无第三世多杰羌佛后,才完成了这样伟大的成就,出现了这么多祥瑞的现象,这确实是非常令人欣慰的事。 一直照顾赵玉胜居士的毛美郿居士和赵玉胜的女儿赵宸居士,是赵玉胜居士圆寂出现圣境和祥瑞现象的见证者。 毛美郿居士(左)、赵宸居士(右) 毛美郿居士表示,赵玉胜居士被传法后回到旧金山,每天都在做功课。在赵师兄圆寂之前,曾告诉她我要走了。她为赵师兄换上了衣服,她当时感到非常的震惊,师兄说走就走,这真是生死自由啊!!!她和赵宸闻到师兄身上发出异香,接着师兄说:“我现在要拿我的生死自由来表法,来证明南无第三世多杰羌佛的佛法最顶圣。陈宝生是个妖魔,妖孽!是邪师!是大骗子!是罪人!还说:真正的如来

The Magnificent Process That I Witnessed in Person When Layperson Zhao Yusheng Passed Away and Reached Liberation

The Magnificent Process That I Witnessed in Person When Layperson Zhao Yusheng Passed Away and Reached Liberation Amitabha! Dharma masters, rinpoches, and kind virtuous ones, my name is Bee Bee Moh. I will now talk about the magnificent process occurred when Layperson Zhao Yusheng passed away and reached liberation. To avoid missing something when I talk, I wrote my speech down earlier. Zhao Yusheng was a disciple of Chen Baosheng and had learned the evil teaching from Chen Baosheng before. Every day, he chanted “supreme vajra master” and that one’s accomplishment all depends on the master and relies on the joy and pleasure of the master. Zhao Yusheng said that he helped Chen Baosheng hide the truth and create false information while working at the tile company. That caused the company to lose more than 800,000 yuan just last year. He said, “I also helped him make false propaganda to deceive people. My situation became worse and worse as I was learning from Chen Baosheng. I

