Recording my real experience of attending the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions for celebrating the nirvana of Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai

Recording my real experience of attending the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions for celebrating the nirvana of Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai

A Great Miraculous Transformation Manifested by Holy Monk’s Flesh Body Created a New Chapter on Nirvana in the History of Buddhism

——Recording my real experience of attending the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions for celebrating the nirvana of Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai

I am so fortunate in my current lifetime. The karmic affinity formed through many lifetimes and eons enabled me to attend the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions held after the nirvana of Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai who was the world’s top-level holy monk. After the Elder Dharma Master’s nirvana, Buddhist disciples not only took shifts to guard in front of the Elder Dharma Master’s flesh body and chant the holy name of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva without interruption but also held three grand dharma assemblies every day until the perfect conclusion of the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions. I attended my shift of chanting and the three dharma assemblies every day without missing even one session. To benefit living beings, I now tell people in the world about the unprecedented and world-astounding holy feats manifested by Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai that I witnessed in person.

I am a rinpoche and I know that I must follow the Buddha’s teaching and cannot speak falsely to deceive living beings. Before all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the ten directions, I give my truthful accounts in the following:

On December 30, 2016, when concluding the examination in the holy realm held by the World Buddhism Association Headquarters (WBAH), the great holy virtuous one leading the dharma Wang Zha Shang Zunmade this prediction publicly, “A holy monk whose nine precept-scars once emitted light to break the darkness in a closed room, who is the foremost holy monk in the world, and whom I respect the most will leave us in January next year. He will create an unprecedented holy manifestation in the history of Buddhism. This will be a great happy event and should be joyfully celebrated.”

What I could never imagine is that the tremendously great accomplishment of this top-level foremost holy monk in the world is so astonishing to the heaven and human realms and ground-shaking to this earthly world!

To celebrate the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Day, we held a ceremony to release living beings in captivity and then respectively listened to a recorded magnificent dharma discourse on January 15, 2017. Right after the celebration had ended, we received a notice and immediately went to where Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai was stationed. We saw that the Elder Dharma Master entered nirvana in a sitting state of concentration. After chanting sutras, mantras, and the holy name of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva, we respectfully viewed His holy appearance. The Elder Dharma Master’s holy face looked thin and aged, with sunken cheeks, a sparse beard, and wrinkles all over the face (Please see the Elder Dharma Master’s photo taken at 11 hours after entering nirvana that can be respectfully requested from WBAH.) Could it be that this holy monk of the current era has left the world in this way? No, this was just the beginning of Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai’s manifestation of His tremendously great and world-unparalleled accomplishment!

Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai is a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and the Chief Teacher of the Tripitaka of sutras, vinayas, and shastras (commentaries) at WBAH. The Elder Dharma Master lived a private life in profound cultivation and practice. His conduct demonstrated noble and pure great compassion and bodhicitta, had nothing to do with fame and gain, and was not tainted by worldly dusts. His virtue and realization were immeasurably high and profound. Many abbots of famous temples and eminent monks of the current time are His disciples. However, because revered Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai did not touch worldly dusts and lived a great hidden life in the world, it was difficult for people in the world to have the affinity to hear His holy name.

In the evening of the same day, Buddhist disciples of the seven types as well as the professionals working at the Universal Chung Wah Funeral Home respectfully escorted the holy body of Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai to the funeral home. At night, several dharma brothers and I who are rinpoches guarded the holy body while chanting the holy name of “Namo Kuan Shi Yin Bodhisattva” throughout the night. At 6 o’clock in the morning of the next day, the Elder Dharma Master’s holy body was handed over to the funeral home to carry out the process required by law. After completing the legal procedures, WBAH made the arrangement to hold grand dharma assemblies in the morning, at noon and in the evening every day. Additionally, Buddhist disciples guarded in front of the Elder Dharma Master’s holy body at any time day and night. Each shift was staffed by quite a few disciples, who chanted the holy name of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva without a pause.

On the third day after the Elder Dharma Master’s entering nirvana, when I was in the shift of chanting, I was able to view closely and saw that the Elder Dharma Master looked pale.

On the fifth night, other dharma brothers and I on the same shift noticed that, although the Elder Dharma Master still looked thin, His facial complexion was no longer so pale. The two cheeks of the Elder Dharma Master revealed a somewhat ruddy air. That was quite different from the common phenomena seen after one’s death when the facial color turns worse and the muscles become loosen or dropsy.

The next day, we received a notice from the funeral home. Due to the limited number of ceremonial halls they have, they could no longer provide a space for us to continue the Buddhist ceremony there for an extended period. Therefore, they agreed that we could receive the Elder Dharma Master’s flesh body back to the temple to continue the unfinished Buddhist ceremony. Thus, On the ninth day after the Elder Dharma Master’s nirvana and after the funeral home had provided the legal documentation, we received the holy body of the revered Elder Monk Yin Hai back to the temple to rest for worshipping in the Kuan Yin Hall that had been consecrated earlier by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in person. Also, a transparent encasement was placed on top of the open coffin, to prevent the stinky and filthy air dispersed by ordinary persons from contaminating the holy body.

During the dharma assembly held on that night, many dharma brothers and sisters and I smelled special fragrant scent. Some saw that light was emitted in the hall. That was very auspicious and magnificent, as if being in a holy state of manifested land! There was also something that I must mention. On that night when I was viewing the holy body respectfully, I unintentionally found that revered Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai’s two hands appeared like a sculpture of white jade, dispersing the sense of texture and lust that only jade stones possess! I thought, how could the hands of a person have the sense of texture of stone? At that time, I really could not understand the cause of such peculiar and rare phenomena. I was only dawned afterwards that it was because the flesh body of Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai was undergoing a total transformation inside and out.

On the eleventh night after the Elder Dharma Master‘s nirvana, before the dharma assembly started, chairperson of the International Buddhism Sangha Association (IBSA) Dharma Master Long Hui and the abbot of the True Buddha-Dharma Center and the Pagoda Temple Venerable Xiangge Qiongwa together announced an astonishingly great news. Earlier, with the permission from His Holiness the Buddha, Dharma Master Jue Hui, Dharma Master Long Hui, Venerable Xiangge Qiongwa, Venerable Long Zhou, Dharma Master Ruo Hui, and Dharma Master Miao Kong used their hands to touch and press the Holy Venerable One’s flesh body. They found that the Elder Dharma Master‘s flesh body was as firm and hard as a stone. Even the typically softest spots on the cheek was extremely firm and hard. The crowd immediately prostrated to pay respect. They were full of praises for witnessing the indisputable feat of Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai’s accomplishment of an incorruptible Vajra body after entering nirvana.

More than 20 days after the Elder Dharma Master‘s entering nirvana, all monastics, rinpoches, laypersons, and I at the site formed a line to respectfully view the holy body one by one. When I got closer to view at an intimate distance, I could not even believe what I saw before my eyes. The holy monk in my eyesight truly stunned me greatly!

The Elder Dharma Master’s appearance underwent a vivid and complete miraculous transformation: the wrinkles that were all over the face at the time of entering nirvana disappeared; the originally thin bone frame and concave muscles became moisty, lustrous, and full and filled; the spiritual expression between eyebrows seemed to emit light; His nose ridge became straightly higher and wider; the originally sparse beard grew thick and dense; and even the fingers and fingernails had grown longer!

Before my eyes, the holy appearance of the Elder Dharma Master became very perfect and majestic and extremely magnificent. That was completely another person (See the two contrasting visages taken after Holy Monk Yin Hai had entered nirvana. The two photos can be respectfully requested from WBAH.) This fact validated the forecast by Wang Zha Shang Zun!

This holy feat that was never manifested by any holy one in history broke the record about nirvana in the history of Buddhism and is so inconceivable. But, it was right before my eyes! Still, this is the fact. After the Elder Dharma Master had entered nirvana, His flesh body was guarded by Buddhist disciples of the seven types day and night. They staffed in shifts to chant holy names and stayed at the scene all times. Altogether, there were more than 100 monastics, rinpoches, and laypersons who witnessed the process of this holy state.

Wang Zha Shang Zun who is at the level of Golden Button Grade 3 said that Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai is the foremost holy monk in the world and is respected by Him the most. The Elder Dharma Master’s holy realization and cultivated power are very great and strong. In His early years, the Shang Zun practiced the dharma together with Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai in a cave in a deep mountain. Wang Zha Shang Zun once accidentally saw that the nine precept-scars on top of the Elder Dharma Master’s head emitted light rays that illuminated the completely dark retreat chamber as if it was under open daylight to instantly save living beings of non-human realms to higher realms. This was a holy feat that occurred in the early years. In later years, He followed the Elder Dharma Master to become a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIand was taught by His Holiness the Buddha in person and was conferred the highest supreme initiations. That was why, after the revered Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai had entered nirvana, Wang Zha Shang Zun specifically wrote a Verse of Praise:

“The merit of Monk Yin Hai shines splendidly the sky and the ground. The nine holes of His precept-scars once emitted light to illuminate a dark retreat room. This greatly compassionate and accomplished one cultivating in seclusion has left His name to the world. Following His wish, He has returned to His upper-level lotus seat in the World of Ultimate Bliss. After entering nirvana, the flesh body of this holy venerable one will undergo a miraculous transformation. A new holy chapter of nirvana will be written in the history of Buddhism. In the past He and I practiced together in retreat in a cave in a deep mountain. Later we both went to the teaching of true Buddha-dharma and became close to the Buddha. Written by Buddhist Disciple and Humble Bhiksu Wang Zha Gong Bo, February 15, 2017”

The karmic condition arising from Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai’s nirvana caused the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions. The merit generated from attending the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions is tremendously great and far exceeds the merit from attending ordinary dharma assemblies. Wang Zha Shang Zun announced that those who attended the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions perfectly have the qualification to be promoted on one’s grade and to receive the Initiation of Dharma Affinity with the Yidam. This is the reward of kindness, virtue, and good fortune that the Holy Venerable One’s nirvana brought to them.

Since the Elder Dharma Master is a top-level holy monk of last several thousand years, presenting the offerings of performing Buddha-dharma with respect to the holy days following the Elder Dharma Master’s nirvana including chanting sutras, chanting Buddhas’ names, practicing mantras, dharma practice, dedicating merit and so on will invoke tremendously great merit to return. Such merit is bestowed from the blessing given by the Elder Dharma Master who is a tremendously holy one on the spot!

I am boundlessly grateful to Elder Dharma Master’s blessing on the spot that bestowed living beings good fortune and beneficial gains in their resources for cultivation. The holy feat of miraculous great transformation manifested by Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai after entering nirvana created a new chapter in the history of Buddhism of this earthly world and demonstrated unprecedented accomplishment of holy state. Why is it called creating a new chapter in the history of Buddhism on nirvana?

First, the flesh body underwent a miraculous great transformation starting from the tenth day after Elder Dharma Master had entered nirvana. After that, His visage was magnificently majestic as if having become a completely different person.

Anyone who knows only a little about the medical science of human body would know that the blood will dry up after one’s death and the muscles will lose elasticity and become loose. Additionally, the skin will turn withered and lifeless, the internal organs will corrupt, and the body will emit stinky smell of spoiling. The appearance and state of a dead person can only become more and more miserable and more and more ugly. It has never been seen that a person looks more adorned and has better looking after death. Ten days after entering nirvana, Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai’s facial appearance showed a miraculous great transformation. A bony and aged face with concave cheeks and covered with wrinkles totally changed into magnificent appearance that was moisty and lustrous with full cheeks. The contrasting photos taken before and after the change look like two different persons!

Secondly, 11 days after entering nirvana, the flesh body of Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai became as hard as a rock, demonstrating the accomplishment of an incorruptible Vajra body.

Patriarchs of past generations who accomplished an incorruptible flesh body generally had to go through a process of sealing the body inside an upside-down large vase for three years to rid of the fluid within the body. Then the vase is lifted. Only if the body did not spoil and the bone frame did not break, can the accomplishment of an incorruptible flesh body be determined. On the other hand, the situation of accomplishing an incorruptible Vajra body 11 days after entering nirvana is never heard about and absolutely unprecedented! Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai demonstrated His freedom from birth and death as He entered nirvana in an instant. Then, 11 days after, His entire body was as hard as a stone, manifesting the tremendously great accomplishment of realizing an incorruptible whole-body Vajra relic and creating a holy feat unprecedented in the entire history of Buddhism.

Thirdly, Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai‘s fingers, fingernails, and beard continued to grow after His nirvana. And there were three new black strains grown from His beard.

While the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions was in session, the professionals from the Universal Chung Wah Funeral Home came to our worshipping hall to perform service on Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai‘s body. They were greatly astounded upon seeing the Elder Monk’s holy body! They said that they had never seen or even heard such a thing. More than 20 days after entering nirvana, not only the wrinkles on the face disappeared, but also the bone frame and muscles became full and filled. The fingers and fingernails also grew longer. One of the professionals was very surprised and said after viewing Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai‘s holy appearance carefully and closely, “I know very clearly that the beard was sparse and completely white before. Now, not only the beard had grown longer, but also three black strains have grown from it!” They praised that the Elder Monk’s cultivation and practice were so great and amazing. They also repeatedly stated that this event was the most mysterious, the most miraculous, and the most inconceivable fact that they had experienced since the founding of the funeral home. The fact created a new record in their professional experience of many years and also proved that Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai created the first such holy manifestation in the history of Buddhism.

Wang Zha Shang Zun said that Holy Monk Yin Hai is a greatly accomplished one in the dharma of “Red Kuan Yin of Magnificent Ocean of Great Compassion practiced with The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation.” He is a great holy one who came again from the World of Ultimate Bliss to fulfill His vow and has now returned to His upper-level lotus seat in the Pure Land. Though the Holy Monk has left, He established tremendously great merit and record for Buddhism with His flesh body after entering nirvana. This is a holy event that has never occurred before in history.

The miraculous great transformation manifested by the flesh body of Elder Dharma Master Yin Hai after He had entered nirvana proved that He is a top-level holy monk in the history of Buddhism. Furthermore, the source of the dharma that enabled the Elder Dharma Master to attain great accomplishment from His cultivation and practice is from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Through His state of accomplishment realized from learning the Buddha-dharma from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, the Elder Dharma Master proved the utmost supreme status of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and let people in the world know that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the source of the true dharma of the Tathagata leading to liberation and accomplishment in the current world.

In this dharma-ending era that is full of chaos and confusion, the Elder Dharma Master ignited the hope for living beings’ accomplishment and liberation in this earthly world. This will cause countless living beings to make their clear and pure vow to pursue liberation. Demonstrating the source of true Buddha-dharma and bestowing good fortune to living beings, the merit of the Elder Dharma Master is so great!

My above-stated personal experience is a true account of real events without anything untrue. Elder Monk Yin Hai’s accomplishment and holy feats that shine splendidly through history are indisputable facts. However, there are still vicious persons and swindlers of demonic nature who make slandering attacks that are completely baseless. They have the ulterior motive of cutting off living beings good roots and opportunities to acquire wisdom. What they do is truly despicable. Cultivators must not be deceived by them, otherwise they will lose their affinity with the supreme dharma that is difficult to encounter even in many eons.

I now take this oath before all Buddhas in the ten directions, “If I spoke falsely about Elder Monk Yin Hai’s holy feat of miraculous great transformation that took place in His flesh body after He had entered nirvana, I will encounter malicious retribution and will not become accomplished. If what I said is true, may living beings and I acquire perfect good fortune and wisdom and attain great accomplishment and great liberation!”

I now make this vow: I dedicate all my merit from perfectly attending the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions to all living beings who see and hear about this article. May they give rise to clear and pure confidence and learn and practice the true dharma of the Tathagata from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, to increase their good fortune and wisdom, become liberated from transmigration, and forever leave all sufferings!

I am grateful to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!
I am grateful to the greatly compassionate Kuan Shi Yin Bodhisattva with wonderful enlightenment!
I am grateful to Holy Venerable Master Yin Hai!
I am grateful to Wang Zha Shang Zun!

Buddhist Disciple: Ciren Danba
Written on the day of perfectly concluding the Holy Assembly of 100 Sessions

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